A goal of the Knight ADRC Biomarker Core is to collect, characterize, and bank fibroblasts and iPSC from deeply phenotyped research participants to be made available to researchers who are performing studies related to dementia, aging, and other neurodegenerative disorders.
You can access our fibroblast/iPSC request form HERE.
For additional questions on how to access our cell line repository, please contact Celeste Karch at karchc@wustl.edu or Jacob Marsh at jacobmarsh@wustl.edu
Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer’s Network
To learn more about the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer’s Network, please visit the DIAN homepage. To request resources please visit the DIAN Resource Page.

Knight Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
To learn more about the Knight Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, please visit the Knight ADRC homepage. To request resources please visit the Knight ADRC Resource Page.